Friday, November 29, 2019
Lost boys free essay sample
I have chosen to write a feminist analysis of the short story â€Å"Lost boys†. â€Å"Lost boys†is a feminist short story written by Deborah Moggach. A feminist analysis of a text focus on the way men and woman are portrayed and the overall message, which I am going to deal with in this following analysis of â€Å"Lost boys†. The short story â€Å"Lost boys†is about a couple and their relationship to the narrator’s mother-in-law, Lily. The story starts in â€Å"in-medias-res†, which I can see because the reader is thrown straight into the story without any introduction. Lily’s son, Ewan, believes that Lily is an untrustworthy and abnormal mother, but the narrator doesn’t agree in that. Although Ewan has told a lot of bad things about his mother, the narrator believes that her mother-in-law, Lily, is a romantic and good woman. Ewan thinks he had a deprived childhood because he doesn’t feel that Lily took care of him. We will write a custom essay sample on Lost boys or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The narrator changes her view of Lily when she was in Hampstead Heath to visit Lily with her children. The narrator went out for a swim while Lily looked after the children, but when the narrator went back, Alex was gone. Then the narrator remembered when her husband told her about his childhood; â€Å"We’d rented a cottage in the New Forest and a lot of the grown-ups went swimming, naked, in a river. Afterwards she sat down and painted the others and I wandered off. She forgot me. I was only five. I wandered down the stream and fell in and nearly drowned All for the painting. †(Side 34 – line 31). Then the narrator realised that it was exactly the same that happened to Alex and that Ewan was right. Lily is a selfish woman who doesn’t think of anything else than her paintings and that’s the reason why she forgets Alex and Ewan. The narrator never told Ewan about what happened that day. Ewan is the narrator’s husband and the father to their two children, Cassie and Alex. Ewans father died when Ewan was a child and ever since he had been alone with his mother, Lily. Ewan believes that he had a deprived childhood with his mother, because she couldn’t take care of him. The narrator is Ewan’s husband and the mother to their two children, Cassie and Alex. The narrator tells the story in 3rd person, because she is able to empathize with all the characters in the story. In the start of the story, the narrator likes her mother-in-law, but after Lily forgot she when she supposed to look after him, the narrator changes her view of her. Lily was a famous painter and model called â€Å"Lily Frears†and lived in a cluttered mansion flat opposite the British Museum. Lily had been thought two marriages, one to a young sculptor and the other to Ewan’s father, who died of pancreatitis. In her young days she was a beautiful girl with ruddy skin and bold bypsy eyes and it seems like she can’t stand the idea of growing up and getting old, which I can see in the following quote from the text: â€Å"She was always Lily, newer Granny. She wouldn’t let them call her that because she felt the wings of mortality brushing her face; she said this, toutching her rouged check. †(Side 35 – line 26). Lily doesn’t cook dinner by herself so instead of cooking dinner she ate in the sandwich bar downstairs and her fridge was always almost empty, except from her can of Kit-e-Kat and gin. Lily is a bad mother because she can’t take care of her son, Ewan. This short story is a typical feminist story because it describes how a woman doesn’t adapt to the gender norms. A woman should be able to take care of her own children and cook dinner by herself, but Lily doesn’t live up to that. Lily can’t cook dinner or take care of her children and therefore she doesn’t adapt to the gender norms. I think the reason why Lily doesn’t adapt to the gender norms is that there is no man in her life, and therefore I think Lily behaves like a man instead of a woman. In the gender norms it supposed to be the mother who takes most care of the children and that’s the reason why Ewan doesn’t feel that he has a natural mother who takes care of him. I have chosen to put this short story into perspective to the society today because we live in a society with different gender roles. Woman’s supposed to do all the domestic duty and take care of the children whereas men supposed to do all the heavy works. Many people believe that it is wrong to have gender roles; these people are called â€Å"a feminist†. Lily is a feminist because she breaks the gender roles.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Can the government pla essays
Can the government pla essays Court challenge to order on brain-damaged woman expected this week by the associated press is an age old story in it self. About a women named Terri Schiavo whom which is in what doctors call a persistent vegetative state otherwise known as a coma, which has not changed in the last decade, due to heart failure from a chemical imbalance in early 1990.The battle between two sides of her family one who wants to take Shiavo off of life support and let her die a peaceful death. While the other side wants to keep her alive because they believe she is still going to wake up. Who is right and who is wrong? Well according to the Florida Supreme Court Shiavos husband is right and her feeding tube was removed and doctors said she should pass painlessly and without trauma in a matter of weeks. Well days later the Florida legislature Jeb Bush ordered the reinsertion of the feeding tube, clearly a violation of Shiavos constitutional right to fefuse medical attention. Additionally it shows a breach of conduct in the checks and balances of the United States. After all who is to say the legislature has the power to break a court order deciding whether or not a family member has or does not have the right to decide their own families demise in this situation and what will stop it from happening again. As a result Shiavos parents and husband are now once again involved in a debate whether or not to keep their daughter and wife on life support. It all began back in early 1990, when Terri Shiavo suffered heart complications due to a chemical imbalence. Well since that day she has been in a vegetable like state. Doctors say she has no brain activity and no signs of ever regaining conciousnes and Shiavos husband agrees with them on the removal of her feeding tube. However, Shiavos parents are a different story, they do not ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
A report on Five Internet Sites related to Language Development Essay
A report on Five Internet Sites related to Language Development - Essay Example Responses of growing children at specific age ranges are well defined in this chart. The first section deals with children below six months of age when vocalization and cognition of vocal stimuli begin to manifest. The child is able to discern between friendly and angry tones. In the next six months and by the end of first year children begin to use fragmented or whole monosyllables for communication and begin to comprehend the social value of verbal communication. After the elapse of another six months the child has a vocabulary of approximately 5-20 words, develops the habit of repeating words over and over and starts following simple commands. Vocabulary increases in the subsequent months although volume and pitch of the voice are often not well controlled. By the end of three years the child starts making intelligible use of verbs as well and develops reasoning ability. Cognitive ability is enhanced as the child attains the age of 5 years and can speak about things not present in its immediate environment. Speech at this stage is usually grammatically correct and the child comprehends the concept of time. Subsequent years result in dramatic developments and by the age of 8 years the child is expected to read and write as well. At this stage pitch and volume of the uttered sentences are well developed and can carry out healthy conversations. The site provides further links to parents to develop better communication with their off springs and handle speech and language problems at the right stage. It highlights the role of parents as instruments in assisting their children to develop better language skills. The site hosted by the popular search engine ‘’ has a scholarly article on language development in the early years by Kimberly L. Keith, under the major title of Child Parenting. It focuses on the psychological aspects of the
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Stanley McChrystals listen, learn.then lead Movie Review
Stanley McChrystals listen, learn.then lead - Movie Review Example Through such acts, subordinates will be more than willing to help their leader when they realize he or she is down because they expect them to be on their feet serving and defending juniors A good leader is that who is willing to listen and learn from juniors. From McChrystal’s explanation, it is clear that an effective leader in most cases can let subordinates fail but does not let them be failures. For this reason, it is believed that leaders are not particularly nice just because they are right but it is because they show the will to learn, accept mistakes and trust their juniors. Leaders must be transparent in their actions and be ready to undergo reverse mentorship The management team at my place of work is always willing to listen since they know that it is all about learning. By listening, they get to understand how people feel, what their expectations are about some decisions and what motivates subordinates. Leadership skills evident in the talk are confidence and goal oriented. Leaders must be confident in order to build trust in subordinates. Since people follow leaders, it is easy for them to do so if they have trust in a leader through the ability to communicate with each other effectively. In additions, leaders must be goal oriented because it depicts the purpose. This is effective through living up to their promises and obligations in a transparent manner. Listening and learning before leading are the most critical elements that leaders must be ready for when it comes to managing subordinates. It is always good to listen to them because it is through such communications that people build trust, get new ideas and improve work quality. From the talk, it is clear that leaders are not always right but because they are willing to learn, people treat them as true
Monday, November 18, 2019
Summary of Kant's theory of knowledge, and how it contributes to Essay
Summary of Kant's theory of knowledge, and how it contributes to our understanding of the mind-body problem - Essay Example These former theories that had been set before Kant’s Theory were majorly classified as Empiricism and Rationalism. The Empiricists had earlier argued that knowledge of the environment and reason required a prior experience. The Rationalists, on the other hand, had stated that knowledge had to come first before experience; that one needed to have a prior experience of something before having the knowledge of the same. As can be seen, these two classical theories contradict each other. Therefore, Immanuel Kant was motivated to try and reconcile the two sides and bring to an end, what he had seen as an era of primitive and unsupported theories of knowledge and human experience. At the same time, he wanted to oppose the concepts and perceptions of Skepticism. In coming up with a more plausible theory of knowledge, Kant combined the two previously contradicting school of thoughts and argued that the understanding of the world by the human required both knowledge and experience. According to him, the Experience depends on both perception of the objects in the environment and the prior knowledge acquired about the very objects. In this manner, the external environment is very essential for the ‘self’ establishment. Kant further stated that the human experiences are well structured by the vital features of the mind. This concept implies that the human mind plays the sole responsibility of shaping and structuring our experiences such that all experiences have certain structural designs in common. Kant’s theory of knowledge helps us to understand that every aspect of the human is all in the mind and that one cannot perceive what he or she cannot experience. In as much Kant’s theory of knowledge seems to stand on a neutral ground, it has its potential problems, biasness and objections from some of the most recent philosophers. For
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The Concept Of Pricing
The Concept Of Pricing This module introduces the concept of pricing and discusses its importance and significance to organisations. With a view to the relative significance of pricing on organisations profits and sales, appropriate pricing policies needs to be formulated strategically. The various pricing decisions that organisations need to make are price setting, adapting price and managing price change which is dealt in this module. Pricing Strategies Introduction This lesson discusses pricing and its importance to organisations and the various factors to be considered while formulating pricing policies: Define the concept of price Explain the factors influencing pricing decisions. Discuss the process of price setting. Explain how organisations adapt prices. Discuss the price change management policies adopted by organisations. Understanding pricing Price is the amount of money at which a product or service is offered in the market. It is the exchange rate of a product or service in terms of its monetary value. Pricing is an important decision area for an organisation. The pricing and sales volume of the product put together determines the profit for an organisation. The sales volume itself depends on the type of pricing policy adopted by the organisation. Profits too are dependent on the pricing policies. Hence organisations have to formulate pricing policies strategically. Pricing also determines the acceptance of the product in the market, one can say that it determines the products future success in the market. IKEA pricing strategy is to provide quality products at low prices to its customers. Internet advertising through Google ads, Pricing is an important aspect not only for the organization producing the product, but also for the consumers as well as the society. Price represents the value of the market offering to the consumers, it also indicates the quality of the product. Increase in price could be perceived favourably by the consumers by interpreting it as a consequence of improvement of quality. (for reference only) The factors affecting pricing policies of an organisation are: Internal Factors While making pricing policies, marketers need to take into account several factors which are the result of company decisions and actions. To a great extent these factors are controllable and alterable by the company. Internal factors are as follows: Objectives of the organisation Positioning sought by organisation through pricing Nature of product Price elasticity of the product The stage of Product life cycle of the product Usage and repurchase level of the product Cost of production Product distinctiveness and positioning Other ps of the marketing mix and their influence on the pricing Composition of product line of the firm External Factors There are a number of influencing factors which are external to the firm and cannot be controlled by the firm but will impact pricing decisions. External factors are as follows: Market structure Consumer behavior Bargaining power of consumer groups Bargaining power of major suppliers Competitors policies Government controls/regulations Other legal aspects Social considerations cartels Setting the Price The organisation has to think over several factors while setting its pricing policy. The process of setting the price is as follows: Deciding the pricing objectives: The organisation has to first of all analyse its position of offering in the market. If the organisational objectives are clearly set, setting price becomes easier. The major objectives that organisations look to pursue through pricing policy are sustenance, profit maximization, market share maximization, market skimming and quality leadership. Organisations would adopt sustenance policy, if there is too much competition and changing in trends due to changes in customer taste and preferences. Here the organisation would generally be looking to cover some variable and fixed cost of production and a marginal profit. This kind of policy is useful only in the short run, in the long run firms would have to add value to its offer or face extinction. Setting the pricing policy : (for reference only) In case the organisational objective of the firm is profit maximization, the firm will then choose that price which will give it maximum profits, cash flow or maximum rate of return on investments. For such a strategy the firm has also to take demand situation into consideration. In case where the main objective of the organisation is market share maximisation, they would generally set a low price so that market can be penetrated easily. Low pricing or penetration pricing policy is applicable in the following situations: Consumers are price sensitive There is possibility of market penetration with the help of low prices Production and distribution cost fall with higher production level and experience Competition is discouraged due to the low prices in the market Skimming price is adopted by firms to gain higher profits in the short run and is applicable in the following situations: High demand exists in the market due to product being a pioneer product Not much competition exists in the market Consumer perception is that, high price indicates quality (for reference only) Determining demand: The different prices set by organisations will lead to difference in demand for the product in the market. The demand curve shows the different quantities demanded by customers at varying prices. Universally, as demand and price of the products are inversely related, according to the law of demand at a higher price lesser the quantity demanded and at lower price higher the quantity demanded. Only in exceptional cases it can be seen that with increase in price of product, demand too increased, especially seen in cases of prestige goods such as perfumes, diamonds etc. (Fig 1.1 Demand Curve) (For reference) Figure 1.1, in the first case shows elastic demand and the second case it shows inelastic demand. Price Sensitivity: The demand curve shows the markets sensitivity to the changes in prices of the product. It shows the response of customers to changes in prices. Generally customers are more price sensitive to products that cost much such as speciality goods and those goods which are frequently such as staple goods. They are less price sensitive to goods which are brought infrequently or such products, the cost of which is insignificant to the customer. Products which would have less price sensitivity are: Distinctive products Where there very few substitutes to the products or customers are not aware of substitute products Quality comparison of substitute products are not easy The price of product is insignificant to the consumers income It is a complementary good to an earlier purchase The product is assumed to be of higher quality, prestige. It is not possible to store the product. The advent of internet has led to an increased price sensitivity in the society. Internet has made it possible for people to compare prices instantly and go for the lowest prices available. Firms have to understand the price sensitivity of their target market and accordingly formulate pricing policies. Demand estimation and forecasting is an important function to be carried out by organisations for determining the demand for their products. There are various methods that can be used to arrive at demand estimation and forecast. Where different variables of the price are identified statistical analysis can be undertaken, data for these variables collected and then analysis is done by using various statistical methods to arrive at the demand forecast. Experimentation method is another way in which demand can be estimated at various price levels. Here the prices of the products are charged differently in different markets or in the same market different prices are introduced at different times and then the result is analysed to arrive at the demand. Another method is doing customer surveys and interview to gauge the customers response to varying prices. Price elasticity of demand: Elasticity of demand is to extend the responsiveness of demand to the different prices charged. The marketer needs to have an idea of how responsive the market demands are, to various prices set by the firm. If with the change in price the demand for the product changes substantially then we can say that the demand is elastic to price. If with a change in price there in very less or no change in the demand for the product the demand would be said to be inelastic. Demand would usually be less or inelastic in the following situations: There is no competition or substitute products in the market Habits Necessity goods Where the price of product is small or insignificant to the consumer Price elasticity depends on the degree of change in prices. Elasticity would be less in case of low level price change and would be more if the price change is significant. For example consumer durables like television and washing machines, with a slight increase in their prices the demand for these product would not fall significantly but with a substantial increase in their prices the demand can come down considerably. If price elasticity differs according to the time period under consideration, in the short run the elasticity would be different than in the long run. This happens because in the short run certain determinants remain static which can be varied in the long run. For example Habits of people can be changed in the long run, competitive scenario can change in the long run. Cost estimation: Pricing policies of firms significantly depends on the cost of production and other related costs incurred by the organisation for offering the product in the market. Firms generally would charge a price which covers the production cost as well as a fair profit for the firms effort and risk. There are different types of cost related to production of a product : Fixed cost which are fixed in nature and do not vary with the level of production or sales. For example rent, interest on capital invested etc. Variable cost vary directly with the level of production of the firm. For example wages, power consumption etc. Total cost can be said as the sum total of the fixed and variable costs for the total production level. Average Cost: can be said as the total cost divided by the total number of units produced. The firm would want to charge at least a price which would cover the total production cost. To develop adequate pricing policies the management needs to know how cost varies with different levels of production. Cost of production would also change according to its production scale and experience. Over the period of time, the experience gained by organisation leads in making more effective and production scheduling policies leading to lower costs. As well as with the expansion of plant and machinery, i.e large scale production helps organisations to lessen the cost of production considerably. Organisations now a days try to adapt their offering as per the requirements of different buyers. A manufacturer may set different terms and prices for different retail chains according to their requirements. Certain retailer may not want to stock too much inventory of a particular product, in that case the delivery that has to be made to this retailer would be much frequent. On the other hand a retailer who has the stocking facility may want deliveries less frequently, accordingly the pricing and profit levels of the manufacturer would differ too. Some companies adopt target pricing, here first of all through market survey the firm arrives at the product features and design. The next step would be to determine at what price the product will be sold. On the basis of the price, a percentage is deducted as profits and the rest would be the cost of production. Hence the organisation has arrived at the cost at which production should happen and that is the target cost at which production should happen. Competitors pricing policies analysis : Competitors policies have significant effect on the firms own policies and strategies. The firm has to have a good knowledge of the competitors policies and their possible response to the firms pricing policies. In case the firm is offering product features which are exclusive and not provided by its competitors then their price should be set accordingly. If competitor provides additional features then their worth to the customers should be evaluated and subtracted from firms price. Selecting a pricing method : The various pricing methods that organisations can use as follows : Mark up Pricing : The most widely used pricing technique is to add a standard mark up to the products cost. Mark up is expressed in terms of percentage. Here, either the cost price or the sale price is taken as the base for determination of the mark up. Eg. Cost price of travel bag Rupees 2000 Mark up Rupees 400 Therefore selling price Rupees 2400 Mark up based on cost price = 500/2000 = 25% Mark up based on Selling price = 500/2400= 20.8% Mark up pricing: Example : Shopkeeper buys goods for Rupees 300/- at a wholesale rate. His cost based mark-up is 25%. Hence sale mark-up price = 100-30 = 75% or 0.75%. Therefore sales price = 300/ 0.75 = 400 While determining any pricing policy current demand, value of product perceived by customers, competition existing in the market has to be considered. Mark up price would only be useful if it brings in expected sales. Mark up price is quite is popular due to the following reasons : Determining cost is quite easy than estimating demand It is a much simpler way of pricing If all firms in industry use this pricing policy then price would be similar, leading to less intense price competition. It is believed that cost pricing is fair for both customers and producers, where customers are not exploited and producers get a fair enough return. Rate on return pricing The price is determined on the basis of a planned rate of return on investment made by the organisation. The total cost of one financial years standard production is estimated and taken as the standard cost. The mark up percentage of profit is obtained by multiplying capital turnover by estimated rate of return. Perceived value pricing : Here the valuation of the product is done on the basis of how much the customers are willing to pay, instead of considering the production and related costs. (for reference) Value pricing : Here the firm charges a fairly lower price for high quality products thereby winning loyal customer. Tesco, UK is one of the largest retailers in UK. Tescos key competence is its pricing policy. It keep its product prices low so that sales can be maximised. Lot many customers were attracted to its products due to its value added low priced products. Tesco launched the unbeatable value campaign in the 1996, it made massive reductions in its prices during this campaign. Tesco adopted a low daily low price strategy alongside its promotional programs. This stragegy stressed on regularising low prices for its customers on a regular and daily basis. Going rate Prices : Going rate pricing emphasises on market conditions. The firm adjusts its own pricing policy to the price structure existing at the industry level. This kind of pricing is usually seen in oligopolistic market structure, where the prices are mutually decided by the firms. Also in cases where costs are difficult to be determined, firms tend to follow the going rate price because it reflects the entire industries price rate. Examples would be petroleum and oil. Auction pricing or price bidding: This type of pricing methods has emerged in the recent years especially due to the growth of Internet. These kind of pricing strategy is mostly seen in electronic goods market, selling a diverse range of products and services by auctioning them through the bidding process. The important function of auction is to dispose of excess products existing with the firm. There are three major auction type pricing. These types are: Ascending bids, (English auctions) : One seller and many buyers. The seller puts up the product or auction and the buyers bid prices, the highest price is accepted. Descending bids (Dutch auctions) : One seller and many buyers or one buyer and many sellers. In this kind of auction the buyer quotes a higher price and then decreases it gradually till a bidder accepts the price. In the other case the buyers lets know his intention to buy a particular product and then the sellers bids the prices by offering lower prices. Sealed bid auctions: Here the suppliers can submit only one bid and do not know about other bids. From the submitted bids the most feasible bid is selected (for reference only) While selecting the final price, additional factors has to be considered by the firm such as : Psychological pricing : Psychological pricing a marketing practice which is based on the theory that certain kind of prices have psychological influence on customers minds. The prices are expressed as odd prices: e.g. Rs. 299.00 or Rs. 499.00. Gain and Risk sharing pricing : This type of pricing is used for pricing complex, high valued products or services. Many times buyers refrain from accepting sellers proposal due to the high risk if the promised value is not delivered. In order to provide some form of risk sharing or price protection as new drugs are adopted into formularies biopharma companies and payers are entering into agreements. Onyx/Bayers Nexavar (sorafenib) and Pfizers Sutent (sunitinib malate) both anti-cancer drugs; Novartis Aclasta (zoledronic acid), and Sanofi-Aventis/Procter Gambles Actonel (risedronate sodium), both osteoporosis drugs are some of the best known drugs. In Germany,Italy and the US, manufacturers have agreed to provide drugs free of charge if no progress is seen after the first treatment, or to recompense health plans, say for instance if bone fractures occur despite the osteoporosis therapy. While setting the final price, firm has also to consider the brand quality, advertising, company pricing policies. Firms also need to consider the distributors and agents, sales persons, competitors, suppliers response to the prices of the product. Finally, firms also need to consider the legal implications while setting their prices. Adapting the price : Organisations generally set different prices according to variations in geographical demand and costs, market segment requirements, purchase time period, order levels, frequency of delivery, guarantees and various other factors. Various price adaptation strategies are as follows: Geographical pricing: It involves the pricing of products to different customers in different locations and countries. Taking into consideration the transportation costs example shipping / cargo costs for distant customers. Also the firm needs to lower the prices of its product/s from sales promotion point of view to retain or expand its business. Considering the export of products to countries abroad where the payment from buyer becomes crucial, should he lack payment he may offer other items. This practice also recognised as countertrade. Countertrade accounts approximately up to 25 percent of current world trade. Usually this trading is done as Buyback agreements, Barter, offset and Compensation deals. Countertrade deals may become complex for example an A company in Europe sells 50 yachts to Turkey and accepts in exchange 150 Turkish made cars, which it sold to Pakistan for Rice, which in turn sold to America and achieved payment in dollars . Such deals are carried by a separate department within the organisation. Other companies may depend on barter houses or countertrade specialists. Most companies give discounts and allowances in order to receive early payments on volume purchases and off-season buying. This may lead to decreased profits, hence an assumptive price of the products needs to be worked out with planning. Marketing researchers have found that up to 35 percent of buyers in most categories are price sensitive. Higher income people are more interested in buying products with added features, customer service, quality and brand. Hence its essential for a strong brand not to get into price discounting in order to react to low price attacks. A company can gain some concessions, if a customer agrees to sign a contract for a bulk years example 3-5 years or if an order is placed in a larger quantity or if an order is placed online thus saving the company money. It is necessary to maintain and monitor all records regarding discounts such as the quantity of customers receiving discount and average discount, etc. It is essential for higher levels of management to conduct a net price analysis in order to get the real price offered. However the realised price is affected not only by discounts, also but by firms average promotional spendings, advertising spendings to retailers to back the product, thus the listed price of the product and so for the net price of the product are two ends of the same thread with couple of other expenses in between. However companies in an overcapacity tend to offer their branded products at a deep discounted rate. Firms should avoid offering discounts to retailers in the long term which in turn would decrease theirs profits in an effort to meet short term volume goals. In order to stimulate early purchase of a product firms can use several pricing techniques. Examples could be found where branded products are offered at a discounted price in order to stimulate extra purchases of other store products. This pays only if the revenue is generated by selling other products in proportion to the lower margins on the loss -leader product. In certain seasons and occasions of festive periods example every June there are back -to-back school sales and during Diwali, Christmas and New Year special prices will be established on products. In order to clear inventories without affecting the listed price, auto companies and other consumer goods companies offer cash rebates to help purchase of products during a certain period. Some auto companies offer the product with an attractive finance scheme such as zero interest rate or in case of consumer durable goods buy now and start paying after six or nine months instead of cutting its price. Equated monthly instalments may be stretched over a longer period in order to lower them, here the consumer focus is on affording to pay back in instalments rather the rate of interest. This can be in cases of auto companies and consumer durable goods etc. Often auto companies offer an attractive warranty and servicing contract in order to promote their sales. Many a times products price is listed at an artificially high price and then offered with a discount .This creates a psychological discounting in minds of consumers that they have purchased the product at a considerably lower price and have gained but in fact havent. Often in order to accommodate differences in customers, products, locations, etc firms adjust their basic price. Thus price differentiation arises where a product is sold at two or more prices without any proportional difference in costs. Customers are charged depending on their intensity of demand. Buyers would be charged at a lower rate depending on the volume of buying. In case of Museums or places of historic importance there is lower admission fee to children, foreigners, etc. A firm charges 30 Rs for adding 150 gms sugar in a Rasgulla tin pack sweet, however it charges 35 Rs for adding the same quantity of sugar for a Kala Jamun pack sweet. A firm can price the same product at two different levels based on image differences. A detergent manufacturer can put detergent in one packet, name it with an image, and price it at 50 Rs. It can put the same detergent in another packet with a different name and image and price it at 75 Rs. Soft drinks prices often differ in an A grade restaurant, vending machines or when sold in canteens or general stores. Same product is priced differently at different locations even though the cost of offering at each location is the same. A concert audience is charged variably for seating as per their preferences for different locations. Prices differ by season, day or hour etc. Electricity as an important public utility source is charged differently by time of day in United Kingdom. Restaurants and Clubs in United Kingdom charge less during happy hours. Airlines have different fares on same flight for same class for instance its economy class, which also is known as Yield Management / Revenue Management system. They have child fares, adult fares, seasonal fares etc. Extra luggage price by an airline for a single kilo differs from Dubai to London as opposed to travelling the other way back from London to Dubai. Websites have coupled up different sellers product together such as Car Insurance, Consumer durable goods, home insurance, medical insurance etc, which allows buyers to discriminate between sellers by comparing their prices. Responding to price changes : Many time organisations have to go for price cuts and increase as per the situation. Price Cuts : It is a possibility that organisation may go for price cuts due to existence of price cuts, also where even with added effort the sales have not increased or due to declining market share. Price cuts can lead to price wars in the market. Lower price can be used by firms so as to dominate market. Organisations may also have to cut down the prices in case of recession. Price Increase : Price increases are undertaken by organisations when there is cost inflation. With rise in cost of production the organisations profits lessens, hence they need to go for price increase to earn normal profits. Many times organisations increase their prices more than the increase in cost due to anticipation of further cost increase. Price increase can also happen when there is too much demand for the product and the supply is less. Price increase can be done in the following ways : Final price is not set, until the product is delivered to the customer. Generally seen in construction and heavy equipment industries. Here firm wants customers to pay current price and all or part of any cost inflation that can happen before the delivery of the product. Here the price is kept same but some elements are separated from the product and priced individually. Example in case of automobiles, accessories, other additional features come with extra cost. Discount if any, could be reduced to maintain profits. Organisation also can tackle high cost and over demand without raising prices as follows : Reducing the amount offered without increasing the prices By substituting raw materials with less expensive materials wherever possible Lessening the product features to lessen its cost Lessening product services Usage of less cost packaging Creating economy brands Reacting to changes in prices : Price changes can have a reaction from customers, competitors, distributors, suppliers and governments. Customers may perceive and respond to price cuts in different ways. Price cuts may be interpreted as lower quality product or faulty products. Price rise would generally carry some positive indications to customers. The product is considered to be of high quality and having added value when prices increased. Competitors may also respond in various ways to price changes. To contemplate competitors reaction organisations have to access their financial situation, sales scenario, market share and their objectives. In case the competitors objective is to increase market share then they will change their price in response of firms price changes. If its objective is profit motivation then it will increase its promotional activities to maintain its sales. Responding to competitors price changes : It is an important decision on how firm should react to price changes by competitors, the products could go for product augmentation having homogenous characteristics. If product augmentation is not possible then they would have to go for price cuts to counter the competitors price cuts. If price is increased by the competitor in the homogenous market, then other firms may not increase their prices until it is unavoidable. If price change happens in a heterogeneous market then the various aspects needs to be considered before responding to the price change : What is the reason for competitors price cuts is it due to over capacity of production, rise in costs of production or the intention is to increase market share. Is the price change temporary or permanent What will be the scenario if the firm does not respond to competitors price change Are other competitors going to respond to the price change and if yes how? Market leaders many a times have to face price changes from new entrants in the market or smaller competitors. There are many ways in which a market leader can respond to competitors price changes: Maintain price Market leader my decide to maintain its current price and profit due to the belief that : Too much profits will be lost if prices are decreased It would not lose too much market share It is possible to regain market share when required Maintain price and add value to its offering The product could be augmented, its services and communication improved. Reduce price : Leader may go for price cuts to match the competitors price cuts due to following reasons : As the market is price sensitive it would lose market share It would be difficult to build market share once lost Its costs reduces with higher volume in production Increase price and increase quality: The leader may decide to initiate price increase and also increase quality of product and also introduce new brands or innovative products. Introduce low priced product line : It could contemplate adding a low priced product line to
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Edwidge Danticat’s The Farming of Bones and Julia Alvarez’s In the Time
Edwidge Danticat’s The Farming of Bones and Julia Alvarez’s In the Time of Butterflies We have all heard the saying, â€Å"it’s a man’s world†. It appears that our world is governed according to a man’s perspective and thoughts as to how the world should be run, and women gracefully bow down to this perspective and internalize those male supremacist notions of patriarchal dominance. Even with this seemingly innate belief that men have, it is still apparent at times that there is another view that is often glossed over and ignored in the pursuit of extreme power and superiority. In Edwidge Danticat’s The Farming of Bones and Julia Alvarez’s In the Time of Butterflies, we are able to dissect society through the eyes of women who have had to endure life in these societies. These women offer a fresh perspective, and they both challenge and assert the patriarchal view that is most often presented in discussion about civil unrest. In the Time of Butterflies gives us a view of women who fought their own battle during unrest within their country. In fact, these women become famous because of what they do, and they create their own notoriety aside from being linked with a man. Farming of Bones gives us a view of a woman who has to endure hardship and trials within her society and still manages to survive. She survives, although her survival is contingent upon illusion, without a male by her side to support her or to dictate her life. Through these two novels, we are able to ascertain the feelings of the women in the midst of the struggles. Throughout the novel, we see the influence that Trujillo has over the women’s actions for the simple fact that he is in charge. There is a domination that men have that seeps ... ...dered the backbone of society. However, both views are tainted by remnants of patriarchy. It does not appear that these two authors are able to present women without introducing the male factor of society. While both texts present strong views that negotiate patriarchal nationalism and both texts consider the view of patriarchal society, it is apparent that Danticat’s novel gives a better view of the struggles from the true view of a woman. Alvarez’s novel would appear to do so because it is in diary form coming from the direct mouths of women, but these women’s stories are so tinged with the decisions that men have made over their lives that it appears that they have internalized patriarchal domination. Though Amabelle’s story includes patriarchal tendencies, her story is more about her and her beliefs about the society that she is forced to live in.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Counseling Couples: The Complexity of Delicate Situations Essay
Abstract Love is patient and love is kind, according to Corinthians 13:4 yet more and more frequently couples find themselves at impasses not knowing which is better to stay together or to separate. Living in a society of our way right away, right away can present conflicts among couples especially when they each have different views on what is best for their relationship. To add more complexity, family units may be non-traditional or other elements such as substance abuse and infidelity are present, which results in the presence of additional stressors. Through careful intervention, respect for the family unit, and proven methodologies, couples counseling is an avenue that provides hope for preparation for those entering marriage or long-term relationships, while also providing redemption and restoration for those who desire to maintain current relationships. Introduction and History For many years psychologist have studied and expounded on the research of pioneers such as John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth who developed attachment theory, as well as, research conducted by Abraham Maslow, who determined that humans have a â€Å"need for belonging.†These pioneers set the foundation for understanding our humanistic desire to have a companion. Prior to these psychologist, the Bible reveals in Genesis 2 that Adam was lonely and for that reason, a â€Å"help mate†was created. Furthermore, according to Sandberg, Busby, Johnson, & Yoshida (2012), research has shown that even in adulthood, the presence of a significant other or partner can produce feelings of â€Å"security, relief, and other positive affects†whereas the absence of this secure attachment produces avoidant and anxious behaviors. As individuals engage in relationships, spanning from basic acquaintances to commits such as marriage, there are times when communication, confidence, and c ommitment become difficult. Some situations lead couples to seek the intervention and expertise of counselors to assist in reconciling. Despite the troubles that couples encounter, Worthington, Lerner, and Sharp (2005) suggest that by utilizing counseling with the purpose of developing strong emotional bonds, couples have the ability to sustain long, healthy marriages. As unique as each individual is, so is each family unit or couple and it is important that therapist work within the systems that are presented, because on some occasions, the couple or family simply interacting within itself produces focus and accessibility of change (Chambless, Miklowitz, and Shoham, 2012). Counseling that promotes hope, forgiveness, better communication, conflict resolution, and build commitments, especially those encompassing Christ, leads to repair and reconciliation, which why most couples initially seek counseling (Worthington, Lerner, & Sharp, 2005). Major Topics in Couples Counseling Types of Relationships/ Couples As times have changed, so have couples. The family unit is often not the traditional mother, father, and 2.5 children, instead families are now composed of stepparents, stepchildren, and same-sex relationships. As Christian counselors, relationships may present that are not condoned, yet respected. Stark, Kirk, and Bruch (2012) offer that even though marriage his recently become a highly idealized commitment, the rates for cohabitation and the number of single parents continues to increase and become more acceptable. Marriage has become a voluntary institution (Stark, Kirk, & Bruch, 2012). In addition, the composition of marriages has changed as reported by the Williams Institute. In 2006, the institute studied same-sex couples reporting status and determined that â€Å"nationally, the number of same-sex couples who reported their status to the government increased 437 percent†(Swanson, 2007). Along with the increase of reporting same-sex couples, the number of blended families has increased as well. Gonzalez (2009) discusses that the couples that blend families often face more challenges, they are more overwhelmed, and they often feel increased pressure to resolve issues quickly. Couples that form blended families are challenged with making the relationship with their partner work, while also with helping to shape and mold two separate entities into one family unit (Gonzalez, 2009). Blended families are also a progressively significant family arrangement that produces complex relationships and distinctive pressures for each of the family members (Shalay & Brownlee, 2007). Accordingly, there is an increasing likelihood that family counselor will encounter blended families more frequent who are seek therapeutic assistance (Shalay & Brownlee, 2007). Cultural Sensitivity Counseling couples requires awareness of various cultural belief systems that are important to both individuals, both individually and together. The perceptions of each individual determines their expectations of the relationship, therefore counselors have to be aware of cultures, beliefs, traditions, and even historical references to ensure that elements are being evaluated from the client’s perspective. Couples counseling incorporates cultural intervention that is consistent with the client’s belief system regarding healing and has the potential to effect a specified change (Sperry, 2010). Couples counselors should carefully focusing the treatment process based on the core cultural values of both of the individuals that comprise the couple (Sperry, 2010). Sperry (2010) states that there are three specific steps to cultural sensitivity; recognize the cultural identity, identify the family dynamics, and develop a cultural formation that frames the context of the issue. Parenthood One of the most challenging transitions that couples face is the transition to parenthood (PINQUART AND TEUBERT, 2010). During the expectation of a child, parents often become stressed with the required adjustments and often positive communication among couples decrease (Doss, Rhoades, Stanley, & Markman, 2009). For example, as reported by Pinquart and Teubert (2010, in a study conducted by Miller, Pallant & Negri (2006), 80% of first time mothers expressed mild symptoms of depression within the first weeks postpartum, while 10 to 30% of mothers developed clearly diagnosed clinical depression. Emotional and psychological distress of this magnitude may also have a significantly negative effect on parenting behavior, such as sensitivity, investment in the child, overall parenting, and cooperation between parents (Foster, Garber, & Durlak, 2008). Couples experiencing such life changes often seek counseling to better understand each other, the stressors, and methods for making the tra nsition less problematic. Pinquart and Teubert (2010) showed that intervention that were solely couple focused, developed stronger efficacy on couple communication than pure prenatal or postnatal interventions, reminded the couple that they are the foundation of the relationship and conduits of change. Intimacy Most couples experience problems that are not understood, therefore couples therapist are often presented complaints that are the results of communication failures and conflicts that are directly related to the couples unfulfilled attachment needs (Solomon, 2009). Couples therapy attends to increase the awareness and recognition between partners of their needs and the relational paths that each partner has encountered (Solomon, 2009). In addition, couples therapy, from an attachment theory approach, attempts to help individual to move beyond what could become an endless cycle of shame and blame, and instead teach and shows them they can choose to stop acting defensively with each other (Solomon, 2009). When couples are experiencing issues, intimacy is most often affected, however through couples therapy, partners are helped to understand their dependence on one another in order to meet their needs for secure attachment through therapeutic process and are encouraged to express emotion s when attachment needs are discontented (Solomon, 2009). Solomon (2009) further concludes that â€Å"if the couple responds by utilizing and giving examples of the ways their past has played out in their current relationship, it becomes possible to accelerate the healing process†. Techniques and Interventions In the past decade, Christian couple therapy has increased and began to develop although slowly (Hook, Ripley, Worthington, & Davis, 2011). Each couple, each situation, and each counselor is unique, so competency of multiple interventions is required to accommodate the needs and goals determined by the couple. Of these techniques, the hope-focused approach (HFA) to couples counseling is encouraged among Christian counselors (Worthington, Ripley, Hook, & Miller, 2007). The HFA is based on the premise that hope is a core Christian value and since Christ ordained marriage, hope is essential among couples (Worthington et al., 2007). The HFA provides couples with strategies for promoting change, offering mutual submission in love, restoration of faith in God and each other (Worthington, et al., 2007). An alternative counseling technique that is being successful utilized in couples counseling is Marriage Matters (Hook, Worthington, Hook, Miller, & Davis, 2011). Marriage Matters consists of a nine week or 18 hour workshop that is conducted three times per year according to Hook et al (2011). This program is designed to assist couples who desire to invest in their relationship as well as for couples who are experiencing marital difficulties. During each of the nine week workshops, couples learn from trained professionals about topics that are important for couples such as historical background, culture, becoming more empathic during dialogue, conflict resolution, intimacy, forgiveness, and numerous other topics (Hook, et al., 2011). Ethics Involved in Counseling Couples A cautiously compiled confidentiality agreement is essential when therapists agree to treat clients conjointly with their spouse or significant other (Bass & Quimby, 2006). Currently although there are not any ethical codes that directly indicate that conjoint counseling is considered unethical, increasing numbers of many organizations caution their members about the ethical disadvantages characteristic in doing so (Bass & Quimby, 2006). Consequently, counselors working with couples are probable, or perhaps even inevitable, to find themselves struggling with the issue and conflicts of one person’s right to privacy versus a partner or spouse’s right to obtain access to information relevant to their personal well-being (Bass & Quimby, 2006). Furthermore, there are additional concerns when the disclosures are related to illegal activities. According to Bass and Quimby (2006), an example of potential conflicts is when adultery has occurred in a relationship. Adultery is con sidered a crime in some states and as a result of keeping this information confidential, it is possible that a counselor could be accused or even charged with conspiracy or â€Å"alienation of affection†(Bass & Quimby, 2006). Researchers further state, that although this charge is highly unlikely, some writers have argued that counselors must not condone illegal activity by keeping secrets. Ignorance of the law is not excusable therefore when engaging in such practice, counselors should be familiar with their state laws and ethical standards (Bass & Quimby, 2006). Couples counselors have a unique relationship with their clients due to being responsible developing multiple therapeutic relationships. As outlined in the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT, 2012) code of ethics, counselors are responsible for ensuring that each counselee has been properly informed and consents to services, while also ensuring confidentiality is discussed and is understood by each participate. AAMFT Codes of Ethics, specifically outlines the expectations of counselors in regards to professionalism among couples, present and past. As well as safe handling of information and communication among counselees as well as third parties. The AAMFT and the American Counseling Association are very similar due to the nature of counseling. Biblical values Religion can be a significant source of marital and couple conflicts, especially if they do not share the same religious beliefs, however religion also proposes as a source of resolution among couples with common beliefs (Lambert & Dollahite, 2006). Research reveals that couples that participate in congruent religious practices such as public and private prayer as well as religious attendance, couples were more receptive to counseling with less negativity and values that focused on having and maintaining a caring, forgiving relationship (Lambert & Dollahite, 2006). Considering that God’s love abridges all of God’s commands, therefore a fitting appraisal of forgiveness is crucial for one to love in a way that pleases God and to help others in counseling situations (Cheong & DiBlasio, 2007). God’s love and forgiveness are inseparably connected all throughout Scripture and often amidst the pain and conflicts of couples is the need for resolution and forgiveness. The bible clearly defines marriage, the love shared among those married, as well as the sacredness of matrimony, and although as Christians we cannot impose our thoughts and worldviews, according to the American Counseling Association Code of ethics, it is important that the elements are incorporated in counseling, especially with those who consent to Christian integration in sessions. Personal reflection I personally believe that couples counseling is important, especially premarital counseling. Although my husband and I dated for six years prior to getting married, we both found that premarital counseling, which is a requirement at our church, brought forth so many subjects that we had not discussed. The opportunity to learn God’s will for marriage and our expectations of each other, provided clarity that we can reflect to even now. Years into our marriage, counseling would definitely be a consideration if we even found ourselves in need of reconciliation and restoration. Annually, our church hosts sessions during the month of May that focuses on the family. Although this is not considered counseling for us directly, we have found that each year a new prospective, a new method of communicating, and a renewed relationship results from attendance of the sessions. Reflecting on these marriage building workshops and lessons, reassures me that with the desire to stay focused on Christ, our marriage can sustain, and we may even be models for others who are contemplating commitment. I believe that sometimes in the hustle and bustle of life, we can easily slip into routines and struggle to satisfy deadlines, which result in undue stress on relationships. Committing to reconnecting and taking personal time to show appreciation for each other is ideal and provides the support and recognition that although we may be busy, as a couple we are never too busy for each other. Furthermore, the same goes for our relationship with Christ, it is not enough to just be a c laim a relationship, instead works, devotion, praise, and worship are due to Him as a priority of our lives. While researching couples counseling the most interesting aspect that I discovered was the Hope Focused Approach (HFA). The methodology presented in HFA sparked an interest primarily because of the numerous step-by-step interventions that allow the counselor to be the facilitator, yet offering couples the opportunity and supports to reconnect. The opportunity to be a conduit, a vessel, of restoration offers not only the couples hope, it also seems that it would provide counselors with the opportunity to see the magnificent power of Christ and his ability to make people, relationships, homes, families, and even churches whole. Christ offers to make all things new, it is up to us to follow him, forward. Incorporating the ethical expectations of a counseling professional presents as challenging. It is evident that when working with a couple, the amount of intervention, developing a relationship and rapport with both individuals, however remaining unbiased, and serving them as a couple seems initially difficult. However, it would be my privilege to be a vessel of Christ to assist couples to complete both premarital and martial counseling, as marriage is ordained by God, however staying rooted and grounded in the Word and maintaining the standards as outlined by the AAMFT and ACA subjects one to continued studying, devotion, and increasing competence as well as wisdom to address each couple genuinely. Conclusion According to Atkins et al. (2005), there have been numerous randomized clinical trials that confirms the effectiveness of couple therapy as well as the increase in relationship satisfaction after attending therapy. The research further outlines that although there are a number of options, methods, intervention, and treatments greater change in marital satisfaction is expressed among couples who attend direct approach therapy together (Atkins, et al., 2005). Despite these promising findings, there still remains a considerable number of couples that are not responsive to treatment and no correlations have been demonstrated that distinguish between those couples who respond to treatment and those who do not (Atkins et al., 2009). Further evaluations of couples therapy is required to guide treatment revisions that will make techniques more powerful and applicable to increase efficacy among couples according to Atkins et al (2009). References American Association of Christian Counselors, AACC Law & Ethics Committee. (2004). AACC Code of ethics: The Y2004 final code. Retrieved from: American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, AAMFT Ethics Committee. (2012). AAMFT Code of ethics. Retrieved from: Atkins, D.C, Berns, S.B., George, W. H., Doss, B.G, Gattis, K., Christensen, A. (2005). Prediction of response to treatment in a randomized clinical trial of marital therapy. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 73 (5), 893-903. Bass, B.A & Quimby, J.L. (2006). Addressing secrets in couples counseling: An alternative approach to informed consent. The Family Journal: Counseling and Therapy for Couples and Families, 14, 77-80. Chambless, D.L., Miklowitz, D.J., Shoham, V. (2012) Beyond the patient: Couple and family therapy for individual problems. Journal of Clinical Psychology: In Session, 68 (5) 487-489. Cheong, R. K., & DiBlasio, F. A. (2007). Christ-like love and forgiveness: A biblical foundation for counseling practice. Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 26(1), 14-25. Retriev ed from Doss, B. D., Rhoades, G. K., Stanley, S. M., & Markman, H. J. (2009). The effect of the transition to parenthood on relationship quality: An 8-year prospective study. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 96, 601–619. Gonzales, J. (2009). Prefamily counseling: Working with blended families. Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, 50 (2), 148-157. Hook, J. N., Ripley, J. S., Worthington, E. L., & Davis, D. E. (2011). Christian approaches for helping couples: Review of empirical research and recommendations for clinicians. Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 30(3), 213-222. Hook, J. N., Worthington, E. L., Hook, J. P., Miller, B. T., & Davis, D. E. (2011). Marriage matters: A description and initial examination of a church-based marital education program. Pastoral Psychology, 60(6), 869-875. Lambert, N. & Dollahite, D. (2006). How religiosity helps couples prevent, resolve, and overcome martial conflict. Family Relations. 55 (4) 439-449 Miller, R. L., Pallant, J. F., & Negri, L. M. (2006). Anxiety and stress in the postpartum: Is there more to postnatal distress than depression? BMC Psychiatry, 6, 12. Pinquart, M, & Teubert, D. (2010). A meta-analytic study of couple intervention during the transition to parenthood. Family Relations: Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Family Studies, 59, 221-231 Sandberg, J.G., Busby, D.M., Johnson, S.M., Yoshida, K. (2012). The brief accessibility, responsiveness, and engagement scale: A tool for measuring attachment behavior in couple relationships. Family Process, 51 (4), 512-526. Shalay, N. & Brownlee, K. (2007). Narrative family therapy with blended families. Journal of Family Psychotherapy, 18 (2), 17-30. Solomon, M.F. (2009). Attachment repair in couples therapy: A prototype of for treatment of intimate relationships. Clinical Social Work Journal. 37, 214-223. Sperry, L. (2010). Culture, personality, health, and family dynamics: Cultural competence in the selection of culturally sensitive treatments. The Family Journal: Counseling and Therapy for Couples and Families. 18(3) 316-320. Stark, M.D., Kirk, A.M., & Bruhn, R. (2012). Generational differences as a determinant of women’s perspectives on commitment. Adultspan Journal. 11 (2), 112-122. Swanson, P. (2007). Study: More tell U.S. they’re gay partners. The Gazette. Retrieved from Worthington, E.L., Ripley, J.S., Hook, J.N., Miller, A.J. (2007). The hope-focused approach to couple therapy and enrichment. Journal of Psychology and Christianity. 26 (2), 132-139. Worthington, E.L., Lerner, A.J., Sharp, C.B. (2005). Repairing the emotional bond: Marriage research from 1997 through early 2005. Journal of Psychology and Christianity. 24 (3), 259-262.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Marketing (BM3021) Case Study Essay Example
Marketing (BM3021) Case Study Essay Example Marketing (BM3021) Case Study Essay Marketing (BM3021) Case Study Essay Marketing (BM3021) Case Study Laura Ashley Marketing 1. How did Laura Ashley brand position as a product, company, country and a person? The use of brands is very important in modern market systems, it is usually a name or logo which differentiates the product from competitors as well as being something consumerswill recognise and buy again (loyalty).The brand Laura Ashley has always been a central part of the companies strategy. What did people expect from Laura Ashley?: a product that was floral, traditional, feminine, quality andstood the test of time, a product with a clear identity and character. It was Lauras ability to take old (often Victorian) designs and bring them into a modern idiom that caused the initial success. This all changed during the 90s when new fabrics and styles were used, and the brand was put on a diverse range of products. The brand image set by Laura Ashley as a company was complex and appealed to many types of people.It was a business that promoted strong, genuine, traditional family values, this was an excellent promotion tool. Laura convinced herself that the business was not merely a family business, It was her family. Anne Sebba, even by the late 90s a third of all shares were still controlled by Sir Bernard Ashley himself. The fact that the company started off as a local factory selling to only a few stores in London is appealing to the more patriotic clientele.Also then, we can refer to the retailing methodology that this company used, which was not reliant upon advertising.The retailer;s brand image was created through store ambience, and an overall enjoyable shopping experience.This would reflect also upon Laura herself in terms of her personal image and branding.Perhaps the larger stores in America were less successful due to a lacking in these departments, (the high staff turnover in the late 90s ).
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Principle Events in the Evolution of Earths Atmosphere essays
Principle Events in the Evolution of Earth's Atmosphere essays The literal translation of the word atmosphere is "sphere of vapors." The Earth's atmosphere is a protective sphere of vapors or air that surrounds the Earth and provides it with a layer of insulation from the harmful rays of the sun. It is a vital part of the Earth and has changed dramatically since the beginning of time. The earth's atmosphere had gradually changed since the Earth's birth approximately 4.6 million years ago. In the beginning, Earth's composition was very different than how it exists today. A long time ago the Earth's atmosphere was very similar to today's Venus and Mar's atmosphere. It had about 95% carbon dioxide, 2-3% nitrogen, and very little, less than 1% oxygen. Today the Earth contains 79% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and 3% water vapor. It is evident that many events happened over billions of years that have contributed to this change in the Earth's atmosphere. Earth had developed so drastically because of the large amounts of dust and gas cloud within the Milky Way galaxy. The Earth grew larger as huge meteorites hit it, and the surface was covered with dust. Volcanoes began to form and emitted lava, ash, and most importantly gases. Carbon dioxide, water vapor, and nitrogen were released into the atmosphere from the volcanoes. This process is called outgassing and took place within the first million years or so of the Earth's formation. Then, about 4 billion years ago, the planet cool ed, and the outgassed water vapors condensed into clouds. It rained and produced the oceans, and even enough to cover 95% of the Earth. Also, because it rained, there was less carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The carbon dioxide was lost over billions of years, as the ocean formed there was a chemical reaction in which carbon dioxide and water formed carbonic acid. It is shown in the equation CO2 + H2O = H2CO3. The carbonic acid dissolved oceanic rock into sand, silt, and mud. It is evident because of this geochemical process occurre...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Major Approaches to Knowledge Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Major Approaches to Knowledge Management - Essay Example Peter Drucker introduced the first related term ‘Knowledge Worker’ in 1960. Over the years, there has been a significant growth in this field and various authors and scholars have brought a number of different areas of focus on the subject. Carlie (1998) highlighted that several theories were developed to manage the intellectual capital in the 21st century. Graham and Thomas (2008) believed that KM is supported as a means of harnessing and utilizing intellectual resources to address challenges, as well as improving innovation, business performance and client approval. Since 1996, there has been immense and rapid growth in terms of KM. Knowledge is the awareness of what one knows through study, reasoning, experience or association, or through various other types of learning (McInerney, 2002). KM consists of four key processes to include knowledge acquisition, knowledge sharing, scoring knowledge and knowledge use. DeNoni, Orsi, and Pilotti (2009) believed that the impleme ntation of knowledge management needs effective methods of accessing, measuring and controlling information to manage increasing complexity. This paper aims at highlighting the major approaches that have been developed for KM. This paper addresses the various approaches that have been developed and the importance that this plays in the success of a business. A comparison of the similarities and the differences of the major approaches are discussed. Finally, the importance of computer technology in capturing the unique level dependent organizational knowledge will also be discussed. It is essential to briefly understand the meaning of KM before moving into the various approaches. KM has been discussed and described by several experts. Ron Young, CEO of Knowledge Associates International has defined KM as, â€Å"the discipline of enabling individuals, teams and entire organizations to
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Understanding Marketing Strategic Planning Processes (Marketing Idea Research Proposal
Understanding Marketing Strategic Planning Processes (Marketing Idea Product Plan) - Research Proposal Example Being alone is rather frightening to most senior citizens (Sachteleben, 1) supporting psychologists stating that warm interpersonal relationships are the most fundamental of human needs (Singer, 28). Off 2 Gran Grans will provide psychological adjustment for its target consumers and also fill a tangible need that need fulfilling due to limited mobility, lack of access to transportation, or lack of family and social support. The competitive innovation, completely unique in the competitive market, is the installation of a communications device modeled after the Life Alert system, a pendant/base unit system that contacts the company (Life Alert, 2012). Technology is intimidating to seniors (Sachteleben, 1) and this maintains significant comparative advantage to other similar, low-profile competitors. Off 2 Gran Grans will provide short- and long-term contracts with financed and pre-paid elements to ensure revenue that include device installation, with fees applied for early termination. The business will be positioned under quality and responsibility with less emphasis on pricing. Start-up costs will be higher than average, but revenues will offset the initial
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