Monday, December 30, 2019
The Internet a Gateway to Helpful Knowledge Essay
Many people believe that the internet serves mostly as a form of entertainment and a way to connect with friends and family. However, the internet has come to point where it has also become an invaluable source of information for education. Things such as Google, online libraries, and other such websites allow most people to have easy and fast access to information. After all, most searches on the internet simply require a person to type in a few keywords in order to find related information. This effortless access to the internet not only means access to an immense amount of information, but also means it can be accessed by the vast majority of people no matter the level of their own education or knowledge. The internet is allowing for†¦show more content†¦This resource becomes invaluable when creating research papers, learning about subjects, or even completing homework in a limited amount of time. After all, search engines like Google filter down the knowledge that would normally be spread out in a number of books and narrows it down to a specific topic or fact in a matter of seconds. In addition, the rapid discovery of such information allows people to apply the education learned instantly in either classroom situations or real life situations. Not only does this easy access allow people to specify what they want to know more about, but it also encourages people to go out, find, and use this accessible information. As one author pointed out, the average teen chooses to spend an average of 16.7 hours a week reading and writing online...teens today read and write for fun (Goldwasser, 288). As more information becomes available on the internet, the more people will read and learn because the internet has become the preferred and straightforward method of educating themselves. Not only does the internet grant almost instantaneous access to information, but it also allows most people to have access to a vast amount of information that would not normally be available in a local public library. With more and more libraries, books, and even classrooms becoming available online, education has become more digital. Whether the information beShow MoreRelatedProtecting Information Systems : Secure Confidential Data And Identify System Vulnerabilities1428 Words  | 6 Pagesthe information systems. While the most common authentication process is the use of a username and password, this is also one of the most unsecured methods used. Authentication Methods Authentication methods used today involve an individual’s knowledge, possession, or attribute. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019
Florentine Codex Translation - 636 Words
Florentine Codex Translation The Florentine Codex has four version available to read. The original Nahuatl version, Spanish, English from spanish translation, and the new English from Nahuatl translation. Among these four versions, they both discuss the same story line without much variation. But its the small differences in the Old vs New English that create interesting difference that change certain details and emotions. The new direct Nahuatl translation is of course the more true and preferred version for accurate information. But between these two versions you can see the errors that are constantly being made and the pieces of information that are essentially lost in translation. This can as well compel other historians to revise†¦show more content†¦Thanks to this original translations, many pieces information have now been updated to give us an inside into what was really being felt, thought, done, and expressed in thisShow MoreRelatedBernal Diaz Del Castillo Essay125 8 Words  | 6 PagesBernadino de Sahagà ºn’s Florentine Codex are the only alternate sources concerning the conquest of the Aztecs. These two texts describe many of the same events as those in The True History of the Conquest of New Spain, but both had definitive biases making them even less reliable than Diaz’s text. Gà ³mara’s piece is obviously written with the goal of exaggerating the glory, nobility, and cunning of the conquistadors and especially Cortes. The Florentine Codex was supposedly a translation of indigenous sentimentRead MoreLeonardo da Vinci Essay2090 Words  | 9 Pagesfather took him from the small village in Vince to Florence, Italy where Leonardo could expand his knowledge and apprentice with the best artisans of the time. About 1466 Leonardo de Vinci was an apprentice to Andrea de Verrocchio, the foremost Florentine painter and sculptor of his day. Following many years of training Leonardo was able to accomplish using a drawing t echnique called the window as a tool for drawing perspective. Leonardo said Perspective is nothing else then seeing a place orRead More George Gemistos Plethon on God: Aristotle vs Plato Essay4387 Words  | 18 PagesPlethon is, as it turns out, a pagan. I argue that Plethon takes the position he does because his interpretation of the Platonic God better fits his own neo-pagan theological conceptions. Part of the evidence for this is supplied by the first English translation of Plethons Summary of the Doctrines of Zoroaster and Plato. I. Background (3) George Gemistos, who called himself Plethon, (1355?-1452) lived during the last years of the Byzantine empire. Constantinople fell to the Turks less than oneRead MoreThe Conquest of America by Tzvetan Todorov Essay3698 Words  | 15 Pagesthe result of the Aztecs refusal to mount any kind of an effective defense until it was too late. Therefore, it was Montezumas uncertainty, born of his own religious belief that led to the sudden collapse of the Aztec empire. The problem of translation was another which caused much dispute as to whether indoctrination should be done in Indian languages. Many words, especially in the religious vocabulary, represented concepts which simply did not exist in the native language. The missionaries
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Mathematical Interpretations of Keynes’s General Theory Free Essays
Introduction Many changes had occurred in the last century in every science. Economics was not the exception and a transformation into the theoretical approach took place in the 30s. In 1936 Keynes published â€Å"The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money†. We will write a custom essay sample on Mathematical Interpretations of Keynes’s General Theory or any similar topic only for you Order Now Its main ideas set the foundations of macroeconomics and had influenced economics since. Unfortunately, Keynes had (and has) a bad reputation as a writer, because of this there has been constant analysis and interpretations of what he meant. Economists affirmed that Keynes’s innovating work, as any new approach, had some â€Å"inconsistencies†. Further, the book had small use of mathematics and, thus, had small proof of what it stated. Therefore, these ideas need interpretation and testing into the â€Å"real world†. Keynes Main Ideas Kriesler and Nevile (2000) define the book’s main points as follows: â€Å"†¦in a capitalist economy employment, and hence unemployment, is determined by effective demand [†¦] decisions about production and investment are made on the basis of expectations†, and â€Å"monetary variables influence real variables such as output and employment and real variables, in turn, influence monetary ones.†One of the most daunting tasks was to set up a mathematical foundation of the cited Keynes’s works. The most important economists who performed this job were, in a â€Å"crossed fertilization process†as Heller (2000) points it, Roy Harrod, James Meade and mainly John Hicks. In fact, in 1937 Hicks published an influential article, â€Å"Mr. Keynes and the Classics: A suggested interpretation†that rapidly became the standard of Keynesian economics theory. Mathematical Foundations The Keynes’s ideas stated in the paragraphs above turned â€Å"into simple mathematical models of the macro-economy; [and] the most long-lived and flexible, the â€Å"IS-LM model†, came from John R. Hicks†(Morgan 2001). Despite that, some authors suggest that Harrod and Meade had inspired the IS-LM model proposed by Hicks (Young, qt. in Heller, 2002)[1]. Others suggest that Champernowne and Reddaway also had some contribution into the model’s formalization (Barens 1998, qt in Heller, 2002) Besides the multiple interpretations of Keynes’s work, Hicks’ one remains as one of the most important. As pointed by Heller (2000), the models proposed as explanations had similar expressions which are systems of simultaneous equations. And the mathematical formulation’s success of Keynes’s General Theory is because of the â€Å"mathematical elegance†and the exact nature of systems of simultaneous equations, which many consider alike; and particularly to Hicks who was the only one in representing the theory through diagrams. (Heller, 2002) As pointed, Harrod was another economist who performed a mathematical foundation for Keynes’s work. According to him, Keynes system corrects the traditional theory; allowing the Income level to be not given, the price level does not depend on the money, and money demand is divided in two. Due to all of this Harrod states that Keynes system is better than the traditional one. Keynes had a very positive view of Harrod’s development of his own work, which Harrods presented in the same conference where Hicks did. Hence, Keynes thought that Harrod works interpreted correctly his own ideas. But these authors’ success in interpreting Keynes’s ideas is not free of detractors. Kriesler and Nevile (2000) made a clear stand of this: economists reject the â€Å"IS-LM framework as being neither a valid simplification of the arguments in the General Theory nor a reliable model for analyzing macroeconomic issues.†Economists think the IS-LM model ignores expectations and it is not useful to analyze a particular economy beside the static equilibrium[2]. They also affirm that Hicks took Keynesian macroeconomics to another direction from the one intended by the work’s author.  The same authors assert that Keynes’s own vision on Hicks model â€Å"did have the faults that post Keynesians typically ascribe to IS-LM.†[3] Conclusion Keynes’s work and the posterior mathematical development gave, to governments and to economists, answers that can be easily explained and understood by everyone only using analytical tools as diagrams or simple mathematics. What is more, those ideas were beyond the economic â€Å"common sense†of the time: governments can spend during depressions. Affirming if these formalizations of the model are what Keynes’s work pointed might be intimidating. Regardless of this and the different views, Hicks simplification and formalization of the model is useful, and catches the spirit of the work. As any first interpretation improvements were (and still are) made but the first task was accomplished. References Heller, Claudia, The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money According to Brian Reddaway Economia em Revista, Vol. 10, pp. 15-32, 2002 Heller, Claudia, The ‘General Theory’ Synthesis According to Roy Harrod in ‘Mr. Keynes and Traditional Theory’, Revista de Economia (Curitiba), Vol. 23, pp. 27-49, 2000 Keynes, John Maynard, The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money (New York: Prometheus Books, 1997). Morgan, Mary, The formation of â€Å"Modern†Economics: Engineering and Ideology, Department of Economic History, London School of Economics, May 2001, Available at ;; [1] Young proposed that to call it the â€Å"IS-LM Harrod-Meade†model. [2] It is important to make clear that many have pointed rational expectations as one of the inconsistencies in Keynes’s work. [3] Post Keynesian economists main critic to the IS-LM model is its static equilibrium nature, thus has no means to deal economy’s path of adjustment. How to cite Mathematical Interpretations of Keynes’s General Theory, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Circus in Town free essay sample
Jenny’s excitement grew with the possibility of being able to just catch a glimpse of the professional entertainers that she envied so much, but she knew her family was not financially stable enough to enjoy the luxury of attending the circus. Even with the mother’s doubt about their ability to escape their debts, Jenny’s optimism and imagination help her escape her reality and embrace the fact that her chaotic family is her own unique version of a circus. The positivity gives Jenny the power to let her hope and have fantasies that allow her to strive for better opportunities. Chris Garder in â€Å"Happiness for Sale†struggled financially as he was a homeless single father. Chris’ determination did not let any obstacles bring him down, instead he found an objective that kept him motivated, such as â€Å"the beauty of the [Ferrari]†(7). He questioned the owner’s success, and from that point on, he wanted to become a stockbroker. We will write a custom essay sample on Circus in Town or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Chris’ mind set was on one track, he knew his goals and his optimism kept his spirit alive to where he turned his business from a â€Å"two-story building that [looked] like a squat glass box†(4) into an entrepreneur who â€Å"favours suits and Maui vacations†(11). These inspirations are what gave Chris the strength that he held onto for guidance and led him to reach his goals in a modest way. Which now he shares his life story hoping others will take the opportunity to do good form themselves and others around. Chris and Jenny both shared the obstacles of poverty and used optimism as a tool of comfort and security that let them hope for a positive future. Their strength has led them to both a happier life with Jenny’s imagination to capture her own circus, and Chris’ success to turn himself into a â€Å"household name†(3).
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