Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Military Strategic Interest as an Imporatant Factor in...

The most important factor in America imperialisms from 1865 to 1914 was military-strategic interest. This is the most important factor because during this time period the United States acquired the Pacific islands of Midway, which served as an important stopping place for American ships e route to China, and American merchants. Also American gained territories after the Spanish-American war. Another thing was the creation of the Panama Canal which helped America. The final thing is the foreign policies of Taft, Roosevelt, and Wilson. Americans wanted to build a thriving trading empire since the mid-1800s. They started this empire when the Secretary of State Wilson H. Seward gained control of some islands in the Pacific region. They were†¦show more content†¦After an American ship was bombed by the Spanish soldiers killing 260 officers this fueled the Spanish-American War. The war lasted for a long time but on December 10, 1898 United States and Spain signed the Treaty of Par is ending the war. Also Cuba became American protectorate and Puerto Rico and Guam became territories of the United States. Another thing that happen was Spain surrendered the Philippines in exchange for 20 million dollars. The American empire was becoming bigger and more powerful. Roosevelt was a strong believer in preserving America from falling apart. In the 1900s he was concerned about the Caribbean region and that Europeans would interfere. He added an addition the Monroe Doctrine called Roosevelt Corollary. The used this to stop any Europeans from interfering with Latin America countries. This policy became handy when the United States to control of the Dominican Republic’s finances due to a revolution that destroyed the country’s government system. They also used this policy in Cuba when troops were sent to stop the revolution there. Taft had his policy called the dollar diplomacy. American trade and profits grew due to the investments in roads, railroads, and harbors. Woodrow Wilson avoided imperialisms and focused of promoting democracy in other lands. He wanted to base his believes of foreign policy on moral principles. In conclusion, the most important

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