Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Effects of Tobacco Essay example - 911 Words

After many years of research it has been proven that cigarette smoking is the major cause of death globally. According to Surgeon General Smoking represents the most extensibly documented cause of disease, ever investigated in the history of biomedical research. The relation between smoking and human disease cannot be directly tested. It is morally and ethically incorrect. Therefore, other research has been developed to establish a very high degree of scientific probability. The criteria used to research the health diseases of smoking are as follows: consistency of association, the information found is replicated under different circumstances, conditions, and settings. This helps eliminate confounding factors. Strength of association,†¦show more content†¦In 1993, in Australia, cancers represented 26.9% of the deaths in that year; about one third of those deaths can be directly attributed to smoking caused cancers. Recent research has also showed that the danger of prolonged cigarette smoking is greater than it was thought originally. It has now been proven that if someone begins smoking as a teenager, and does not quit, by the time they are in their middle to old ages, half of their body will be killed by tobacco. This rate is proven likely to occur between 45 and 64 years of age. Smokers between those ages are three times more likely to die prematurely compared to lifelong non-smokers. In the group of smokers from 65 to 84, smokers are twice m ore likely to die prematurely compared to life long non-smokers of the same age. According to surgeon general, tobacco represents the major cause of death world wide. Recent estimates have shown that tobacco was responsible for 1.7 million deaths in developed countries in 1985, and a projected 2.1 million deaths in 1995. This means that for the decade of the 90’s 21 million deaths were caused in large developed countries. More than half of these deaths represent population between 35 and 69 years of age. In the smaller, less developed countries it is not certain what the annual mortality rate for tobacco is, but the tobacco smokingShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Tobacco On The World851 Words   |  4 Pages As a nation, the United States of America has recently declared a war against the tobacco industry. There are now graphic commercials and advertisements suggesting the negative effects of tobacco cigarette use. However, according to the World Health Organization there remain over one billion tobacco smokers in the world (Rom, Corelli, Valacchi Reznick, 2015). Tobacco use has been associated with and linked to six leading causes of death in the world which include Ischemic heart disease, cerebrovascularRead MoreEffects of Tobacco Use1283 Words   |  5 PagesTobacco use harms everything. Numerous factors of tobacco use play into the destruction of a human health and body. 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